So we decided to get Shay's hair cut because it is a hassle trying to brush her hair everyday. She was just getting it tangled really bad and then she would freak every time I even touched the brush. We decided to donate her hair to locks of Love. The hair lady cut off tons of hair. And thinned it out
and took tons of hair off that way too. Her hair still looks like it is ve
ry thick. It is very short and a thousand times easier to style. I love it now actually. It was very hard for me to get used to. I am glad we did it now.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Not so much hair anymore.
Posted by Shayanne at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Swimming with Shay
Shay started swim lessons last week. She is obsessed with the water so I knew she would love swim lessons. She is going twice a week for a month. She asks me every day if she has swim lessons. Her first day she went we found out it is only for 20 min. So when she had to get out she was pretty upset. She threw a huge fit. This little boy had to help us get her out.
Posted by Shayanne at 7:58 PM 0 comments
School pictures
I had a hard day with Shay the day before I picked up these pictures. When I got them I started to cry because I think these pictures are so stinking cute! I love this little girl more than anything. I hate having hard days with her, but the good days out weigh the bad. I am so blessed to have her in my life and I have learned a ton from her. She is amazing in every way! I am a lucky Mom.
Posted by Shayanne at 7:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Shay had her first day of preschool today for the fourth time. She goes from 9am to 1:30pm This is really long for Shay. I was really worried about her, but she did okay. She didn't tell me anything really about her day, so I can't tell you what went on during the day. But when I took her in she was so excited she wouldn't listen to the teacher and then she ran and put her backpack away and ran outside. She didn't even really say bye to me. I tried to stay busy all day so I wouldn't miss her and I went to pick her up 30 min early so I could watch her through the "magic window".
Posted by Shayanne at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hair! Hair! Hair! Tons of Hair!
In case you haven't noticed, Shay has tons of hair!!! I like to keep it long because it's always in her face and this way I can just pull it up! So today I decided to braid it. I have been wanting to but I didn't know if she would let me. So we watched Pirate Dora and did some cool braids.
Shayanne loves to put her face under the water while she is in the bath. She calls it swimming! It's awesome she can hold her breath for a little bit! I thought her hair looked pretty awesome while she was "swimming".
Posted by Shayanne at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
4th of July Fun
The weekend before the 4th, West Bountiful put on their firework show. We went to the park with John's Mom Ruthie and Shay's cousin Jacob. It was a good time. Shay loved the fireworks, she just sat on John's lap the whole time and didn't move. (this is a big deal for Shay to hold still hahaha) Trying to get a good shot of the fireworks!
Then we went down to Vegas for the 4th. When we got down there Shay she started clapping her hands and said "Yeah I'm so excited." this was so funny because she doesn't usually tell us how she is feeling.
First we met my bro Paul and his family down town Las Vegas where they were staying and walked around and went to the Mirage and Circus Circus with them. It was so hot down there 105 degrees! Shay loved watching the dolphins swim! Here's a couple pics:
Down in Henderson is where John's Dad lives. We stayed down there and spent most the time just hanging out with them. Shay was so excited to go swimming, this is all Shay talked about the entire time. She had so much fun in the pool. John's Dad, step Mom and her Uncle Wyatt spoiled her with everything she wanted.
We then met Paul for the fireworks at Sunset station. It was cool because the show was right between two palm trees from where we were standing. It was a good show. We did some sparkler and we were all having fun until Shay burnt her hand on the sparklers and cried almost the whole time. She was way tired from swimming that day too. She's ok! Here's more pics of course:
Shay had a good time and didn't want to leave. But we made it home and she is happy to be here. On the way home.
Posted by Shayanne at 9:25 AM 0 comments