Sunday, April 18, 2010

What are Sisters for????

Roxy has been such a big help to Shay in the past couple years. She has really come to love her and teach help me her all the time. She teaches her to count and teaches her letters. When they do play good together, she teaches her to pretend play. Roxy is an excellent role model for Shay! Shay is a lucky girl to have such a smart, almost always kind sister. :) We love her too!!! SO MUCH!!!

A few pictures of Shay & Roxy over the years:

so PROUD!!! & Easter

I am so proud of this little girl. She has come so far it's amazing, she always surprises and amazes me. The little things are the big things for Shay. Like the other day how she wanted to go home and she told me "I want to go home!" I didn't even care that she was complaining because I was so excited she said "to" in her sentence. This was a complete sentence for Shay and it was awesome!! It's little things like this that make me a proud Mama to my little Shay Shay.

It was a good day and weekend. Cold by Fun!!